2019, Sound art and architecture
Bangalore, India
The project “MEANDER TAPES – Tender Sounds For Brutalist Architecture” deals with sound art, performance and architecture in an interdisciplinary way.
Visvesvaraya Towers in the heart of Bangalore. It is a brutalist building complex that now houses several state ministries, a lottery, and many other institutions with long and incomprehensible names.
The goal of the project “Meander Tapes” is to explore and analyze the relationship between brutalist architecture and acoustic perception through experimental, artistic means. To do this, I use different techniques and methods. In Bangalore, the question of inaudible sound in visible architecture was to be explored. For this I used different recording techniques and sensors with which I could listen into the material of the buildings.
The composition ‘BANGALORE BANG!’ was created from audio material collected on site during the residency at the Goethe Institute / Max Mueller Bhavan in Bangalore, India.
We were particularly interested in recording the acoustic ‘fingerprint’ of the country’s rapidly growing megacity and IT metropolis. In this audio piece, we consider the interplay of urbanism and city planning and engage with the city’s residents and their lives. Materiality, speed, urban structure and the fluid reality of Indian culture form an ornament of sound in this composition.
Special thanks to Goethe-Insitute / Max Mueller Bhavan and bangaloREsidency
At the INDERNET hybrid Festival !
Opening 17.06.2022, 20:00
17-25.06.2022 in Rhenania Kunsthafen Cologne
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