
Meander Tapes – Tender Sounds for Brutalist Architecture

Raman Research Institute Library, Bangalore

2019, Sound art and architecture

Bangalore, India

WDR 3 Open Sounds

Brutalism (3) “Béton Brut Bangalore” by F. Hattenberger and P. Simon

WDR 3 Open Sounds 07.05.2022 57:09 min. Available until 07.05.2023 WDR 3 By Ilka Geyer

At the end of the Brutalism trilogy at Studio Akustische Kunst, we listen to India
The project “Béton Brut Bangalore – Sound as Ornament” explores sound art, performance and architecture in an interdisciplinary way.

About the show >>>>

Unlike Visvesvaraya Towers in the center of Bangalore, Raman Institute is located on the outskirts of the city in a park. The acoustics of this place are contrary to the acoustics of the city center. A quiet place of science.

Here I was able to listen in further detail to the material and was surprised at the different sound sources. The variety of different materials used here has resulted in a complex acoustic signature of the building. The psychoacoustic effect on visitors to the building has a relaxing effect with the location and architectural order.

In this project, I was interested in exploring the geometric order, materiality, social status, emotional connection of the building, and the fluid reality of Indian culture, looking at sound as ornament.